Rose Street Apartments

As phase one of a two-phase, multi-generational campus, the Rose Street Apartments were developed to provide 74 units of affordable housing to help meet the needs of many low-income residents residing in the area.


Bellwether Housing


Seattle, Washington


The two parcels were designed as part of a master plan that emphasizes interconnectedness and incorporates opportunities for multi-generational mingling with a future childcare center. The project is four stories in height with 30 two-bedroom units and 30 one-bedroom units. Four live/work units are located on the ground floor on a busy commercial street. There is a large courtyard opening to the south providing generous open space to its tenants, and some units open directly into this space. At each building entry, there are flowering vine covered cedar trellises to provide semi-covered areas for the residents to congregate. Another courtyard is provided at the north end specifically for children and has a large play structure and soft foam surface throughout. Close to the children’s courtyard is a tenant p-patch allowing clear visibility for parents to garden while keeping a close eye on their kids.


Stained birch doors, high ceilings and transom windows at ground floor

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